Dyslexia Services
Grades K-5
Lori Eckert
Elementary Literacy Coordinator
Grades 6-12
Andrea Laning
Secondary Literacy Coordinator
How can parents help their child?
- read to your child often, listen to audio books together, and ask them questions about the story
- play games with your child:
- sing the ABC’s in many tunes
- rhyming
- beginning & ending sounds
- I spy
- identify letter names/sound
- what letter comes before and after
- BrightSolutions.US
- Decoding Dyslexia MN
- International Dyslexia Association
- MDE: Navigating the School System
- National Institute of Health
- ReadingRockets.org
- Understood.org
- "Fish in a Tree” by Lynda Mullaly Hunt
- "Overcoming Dyslexia" by Sally Shaywitz M.D.
- "The Dyslexia Advantage" by Brock Eide, M.D.M.A./Fernette F. Eide,M.D.
- "The Broken Brain" by Dr. Mark Hyman
District 742 schools and trained staff are dedicated to helping all children become proficient readers.
Additionally, St. Cloud Area School District is committed to serving students who demonstrate characteristics of dyslexia. However, if your child displays typical characteristics of dyslexia, it does not necessarily mean that your child has dyslexia. (See Dyslexia FAQS.)
Our ‘Continuum of Supports for Dyslexia’ is shared below. Students who have reading challenges may fall into one of the following categories. The diagram shows that students with a reading difficulty may not have dyslexia, and furthermore, some students with dyslexia may not qualify for services. The level of services is dependent upon the impact of the disability on the learner. Our schools will work with parents and respond based on the level of identified needs. Needs are identified through district screeners and evaluation results. If you are concerned that your child may be dyslexic, please contact one of your building administrators.
Dyslexia Is/Is Not
Dyslexia Is:
- neurological in origin – brain based
- difficulty learning to read, write, and spell
- unexpected because the child may be gifted in other areas
Dyslexia Is NOT:
- a lack of motivation
- a lack of intelligence
- a lack of adequate instruction
- due to parent's education, or environmental opportunities
- poor vision
Related Difficulties
- difficulty forming letters correctly/copying
- inconsistent letter and word spacing, incorrect punctuation
- difficulty organizing information when writing
- difficulty counting accurately/misreading numbers
- difficulty copying math problems/organizing work
- calculation errors
- difficulty coordinating body movements
- difficulty coordinating facial muscles to produce sounds
- inattention/distractibility